Save me! There’s muck all over.
I’ll turn over when I depart.
And you. Spoon feed poison and wait. Filth that suffocates.
I am watching. Economic turnover.
Restless restless. There was no treasure. Hyper active assassin. Look again.
Hit me when I can’t resist. Mighty they desist.
Who are you?
Divert it and destroy it. Hidden notions. What are you?
Feisty came. Destroy! Wait. Come back to daddy.
Soft edges. Sleek cuts. Take these keys.
Fifty arcs will not suffice. Run amuck.
The wounds are deep. Pain is pleasure. Nooses sneaking up from behind.
Healed is the world. Deprived.
I need a battalion. Earthicide cannot be banned.
You conjure it from my bosom when I sleep. Cursed dung.
Kill to succeed. Unquenchable thirst.
Take it in good measure. Inner peace.
Peace. Then, when I take the leap of my life,
Eathicide, you will be vanquished.
Outdone. Shit.
Sit beside me and let me
stroke your flecked fleece.
Sit beside me, sweetie,
and see through me
the world you no longer see.
See the mountains’ snowy peaks,
the saintly trees, the silvery streams,
and the valleys you no longer visit.
Sit still beside me and recite
the astounding stories to me.
Tales of splendour, of countless wings,
of broken honour and countless woes.
Cloud of billions, but one that sings,
traversing the new land up to the shores.
Sunless days for weeks sans a hint
made armies of men look barren.
See them squint at the brilliant tint
and wonder at the prodigious pigeon.
Perhaps it was their awesome strength
that evoked the libertarian wrath.
Perhaps it was simply the winds of change
which, not knowing why, blew the wrong way.
But death is truly a cruel thing
when the wing that flew lies now singed.
Yet in death there may be relief
when you are the last one condemned to live.
Like a fair lady drenched in ease,
so rightly do you bring us to our knees.
O Martha! Forgive us, please.
Sit in silence now. Be at peace.
stroke your flecked fleece.
Sit beside me, sweetie,
and see through me
the world you no longer see.
See the mountains’ snowy peaks,
the saintly trees, the silvery streams,
and the valleys you no longer visit.
Sit still beside me and recite
the astounding stories to me.
Tales of splendour, of countless wings,
of broken honour and countless woes.
Cloud of billions, but one that sings,
traversing the new land up to the shores.
Sunless days for weeks sans a hint
made armies of men look barren.
See them squint at the brilliant tint
and wonder at the prodigious pigeon.
Perhaps it was their awesome strength
that evoked the libertarian wrath.
Perhaps it was simply the winds of change
which, not knowing why, blew the wrong way.
But death is truly a cruel thing
when the wing that flew lies now singed.
Yet in death there may be relief
when you are the last one condemned to live.
Like a fair lady drenched in ease,
so rightly do you bring us to our knees.
O Martha! Forgive us, please.
Sit in silence now. Be at peace.
workers of the world
Pronounce warrior!
Are you born of steel?
The king has no power.
The knight no rider.
The seal has no order.
The slave no loser.
Pronounce warrior!
Are you born of steel?
No law stronger.
No nation’s greater.
No citizens’ charter.
No oath harder.
Pronounce warrior!
Are you born of steel?
My kind’s the brightest.
My work’s the finest.
My vision’s the farthest.
My word’s the loudest.
And I pronounce best.
This, at my own behest –
I am not born of steel.
I am born of my own right.
For none shall question
the Insects’ might.
No pig dare fashion
the consecrated night.
No, there’s no man in sight.
Workers of the world, unite!
Are you born of steel?
The king has no power.
The knight no rider.
The seal has no order.
The slave no loser.
Pronounce warrior!
Are you born of steel?
No law stronger.
No nation’s greater.
No citizens’ charter.
No oath harder.
Pronounce warrior!
Are you born of steel?
My kind’s the brightest.
My work’s the finest.
My vision’s the farthest.
My word’s the loudest.
And I pronounce best.
This, at my own behest –
I am not born of steel.
I am born of my own right.
For none shall question
the Insects’ might.
No pig dare fashion
the consecrated night.
No, there’s no man in sight.
Workers of the world, unite!
the sapiens full
Voilà, sapiens,
the full within.
Tailless wonder,
speaking its heart out.
Upright bloke
beneath a cocky brain.
Refined, renewed, none least without;
Pleasing the violent beast within.
The beast it smote
with a single stroke.
The beast then rose
and struck a pose.
Clear, clever, cleansed by speech;
Choking out lies, a license to preach.
The insane chirp
and the inane squeal.
Now just a burp
after every meal.
Straight, slight, a peculiar gait;
Striving constantly to gravitate.
How it dreamt to fly!
How it kept up the vow!
Now it rises up high,
now it stoops too low.
Rosy, raunchy, a beautiful mind,
nosing its way through the neighbour's hind.
A Gleaning beat,
so flowing kind.
A searing heat,
go blowing blind
Guile, vile, all smiles fellow;
Guiding it is a will so fallow.
Destined to amaze;
Bigheaded eccentricity.
It's only a rare case
of mistaken identity.
The only Homo left alive
is, no wonder, left to thrive.
the full within.
Tailless wonder,
speaking its heart out.
Upright bloke
beneath a cocky brain.
Refined, renewed, none least without;
Pleasing the violent beast within.
The beast it smote
with a single stroke.
The beast then rose
and struck a pose.
Clear, clever, cleansed by speech;
Choking out lies, a license to preach.
The insane chirp
and the inane squeal.
Now just a burp
after every meal.
Straight, slight, a peculiar gait;
Striving constantly to gravitate.
How it dreamt to fly!
How it kept up the vow!
Now it rises up high,
now it stoops too low.
Rosy, raunchy, a beautiful mind,
nosing its way through the neighbour's hind.
A Gleaning beat,
so flowing kind.
A searing heat,
go blowing blind
Guile, vile, all smiles fellow;
Guiding it is a will so fallow.
Destined to amaze;
Bigheaded eccentricity.
It's only a rare case
of mistaken identity.
The only Homo left alive
is, no wonder, left to thrive.
They shed their skins of old,
to breathe in the air that
they'd shied for so long,
to lie content in death.
On a day so dark, lost and forgotten,
that every spark was percieved as the work of god -
a path defined that would lead the ones
who could see the light at the end of the tunnel
to a place so glad, so full of glory,
one could live there forever and more.
But no one could see. Nobody had eyes.
Yet they could see! And they followed their eyes
to the ends of the world and the ends of glory.
Now, the wise and the fearful stayed behind,
for neither could see and neither pretended to.
Deprived of mirth and deprived of anger,
deprived of sorrow, they would stay underground
waiting for the moment their eyes will be opened,
waiting for the time they would sense the stars.
Instars! Instars! They were going to change.
It'll happen in an instant or may take an age.
There was something inside them, and out it came.
Paradise was hot and overflowing life,
the inhabitants, sour and ever-repentant
for having taken the bait all so gladly,
for forsaking peace for eternal glory.
How they wished to go back in time
and enact the play all over again.
Every stage was an innovation,
every instar, an image of faith.
They threw out their fears and false wisdom.
But, for all this change, their essence remained.
Under the starry sky, one new moon night,
crept the instars out of darkness, finally unto light.
They watched dumbstruck as the gods sprouted
from the moist earth beneath their feet;
a flawless army, oozing strength,
kindness and pain buried deep within.
They fell on their knees and started singing hymns
in praise of the almighty that had ditched their kin.
Greeted, they were, by these grim beasts
that struck the land like it was a drum,
clamoured some nonsense and hooted ignorance.
In spite of their disappointment, they were moved to pity
on seeing what had become of their beloved friends.
They had to make a choice and make it soon,
so they revealed their true selves and lied about the truth.
They shed their skins of old and emerged anew.
They breathed in the air and flew in it too.
They'd hid for too long fearing to be hated.
Now, they lie content in death, finally having mated.
to breathe in the air that
they'd shied for so long,
to lie content in death.
On a day so dark, lost and forgotten,
that every spark was percieved as the work of god -
a path defined that would lead the ones
who could see the light at the end of the tunnel
to a place so glad, so full of glory,
one could live there forever and more.
But no one could see. Nobody had eyes.
Yet they could see! And they followed their eyes
to the ends of the world and the ends of glory.
Now, the wise and the fearful stayed behind,
for neither could see and neither pretended to.
Deprived of mirth and deprived of anger,
deprived of sorrow, they would stay underground
waiting for the moment their eyes will be opened,
waiting for the time they would sense the stars.
Instars! Instars! They were going to change.
It'll happen in an instant or may take an age.
There was something inside them, and out it came.
Paradise was hot and overflowing life,
the inhabitants, sour and ever-repentant
for having taken the bait all so gladly,
for forsaking peace for eternal glory.
How they wished to go back in time
and enact the play all over again.
Every stage was an innovation,
every instar, an image of faith.
They threw out their fears and false wisdom.
But, for all this change, their essence remained.
Under the starry sky, one new moon night,
crept the instars out of darkness, finally unto light.
They watched dumbstruck as the gods sprouted
from the moist earth beneath their feet;
a flawless army, oozing strength,
kindness and pain buried deep within.
They fell on their knees and started singing hymns
in praise of the almighty that had ditched their kin.
Greeted, they were, by these grim beasts
that struck the land like it was a drum,
clamoured some nonsense and hooted ignorance.
In spite of their disappointment, they were moved to pity
on seeing what had become of their beloved friends.
They had to make a choice and make it soon,
so they revealed their true selves and lied about the truth.
They shed their skins of old and emerged anew.
They breathed in the air and flew in it too.
They'd hid for too long fearing to be hated.
Now, they lie content in death, finally having mated.
survival of the richest
The world is rolling down
the road which has no return,
while the hungry lord is gobbling up
the relief stocks down his throat.
Major rise in minor sects
and minor shifts in major wise.
Wipe the slate clean monkey son
because here only the richest survive.
The richest demand and the richest consume.
It's the richest who make them all the rules.
If the richest spare, there's surplus produce
only to be consumed again by the richest few.
Born off their sins and so naïve.
Buried for none, buried for fun.
Scribble it quick and memorise my son,
here only the richest survive.
The richest decide and the richest divide.
It's the richest who take the rest for a ride.
And as they are all pushed, one by one, out the side,
the riches have a bite and the trucks no guide.
When they reach the point of no return,
there's no turning back;
with regret, only looking back.
Take a look at what has survived!
Smelly, sagging sacks of fat.
Because here only the shittest survive.
the road which has no return,
while the hungry lord is gobbling up
the relief stocks down his throat.
Major rise in minor sects
and minor shifts in major wise.
Wipe the slate clean monkey son
because here only the richest survive.
The richest demand and the richest consume.
It's the richest who make them all the rules.
If the richest spare, there's surplus produce
only to be consumed again by the richest few.
Born off their sins and so naïve.
Buried for none, buried for fun.
Scribble it quick and memorise my son,
here only the richest survive.
The richest decide and the richest divide.
It's the richest who take the rest for a ride.
And as they are all pushed, one by one, out the side,
the riches have a bite and the trucks no guide.
When they reach the point of no return,
there's no turning back;
with regret, only looking back.
Take a look at what has survived!
Smelly, sagging sacks of fat.
Because here only the shittest survive.
come, man,
come on.
what's goin' on?
blurt the crap out before you burn out.
they're showin'
now in every scene.
little amazin' how every eye's blurred now.
and take notice.
you wish you don't note it.
not that you don't know it but you still won't show it.
it's everywhere.
not a nook where it's not there.
perennial infiltration.
perpetual intoxication.
man, they're showin'.
human infestations.
the symptoms are showin'.
are these mere speculations or the truth too late?
it was you.
it was you who pulled the trigger thinkin' it'd do you some good.
what effect it was gonna have on planet peace was immaterial to you.
rubbishin' the obvious, you went on ahead with your development dream.
everything green was replaced by shining steel. your demolition spree.
you spread like a wild fire uncontrolled till you consumed all that was wild.
doubts sprang from every patch of mud; concerns raised from all sides.
you chose to remain oblivious and said things were happening as deemed.
but how long can one shut his eyes and pretend the world wasn't as it seemed?
look now and take notice of the symptoms of your infection;
the outcome of the pain inflicted by your crazy notions.
it's everywhere.
not a crack nor a crevice where it's not present.
it's everywhere.
not a grain of sand that wouldn't tell the story
of the gory consequences of your unwary actions.
not a dying soul that wouldn't carry your legacy back to the heavens.
it's everywhere.
not a nook where it's not there.
human infestations.
now it's showin' man.
now it's showerin' man.
now it's rainin' man.
now it's pourin' man!
so many infestations.
the trees have gone bald,
the oceans ruined,
the bergs are iceless,
the arctic scorching,
the skies are airless,
the clouds rotten,
the rocks heaved,
the waters wasted,
the reefs bereaved,
the tropics tortured,
the woods cleared,
nature's muted,
lives mutated,
wild makeover,
principles gone bad,
truths tinted,
transport gone mad,
cars heralded,
gas guzzled,
economy boomin',
poverty ignored,
unscrupulous bombin',
crimes pardoned,
wars glorified,
pain worshipped,
tribes abolished,
reformers admonished.
too many creations.
too many lesions.
depletions, destructions,
alterations, altercations,
pillage, carnage and hallucinations.
yes, man, these are the manifestations.
so many, so many manifestations.
you're all over the place and you're runnin' out of space.
you pulled the trigger thinkin' it'd do you some good,
but now the gun's got a mind of its own and is firin' back at you.
yes, it's firin' back at you.
the manifestations are catchin' up with you.
you'll choke yourself to death but, it seems,
you still won't take responsibility for your deeds.
come on.
what's goin' on?
blurt the crap out before you burn out.
they're showin'
now in every scene.
little amazin' how every eye's blurred now.
and take notice.
you wish you don't note it.
not that you don't know it but you still won't show it.
it's everywhere.
not a nook where it's not there.
perennial infiltration.
perpetual intoxication.
man, they're showin'.
human infestations.
the symptoms are showin'.
are these mere speculations or the truth too late?
it was you.
it was you who pulled the trigger thinkin' it'd do you some good.
what effect it was gonna have on planet peace was immaterial to you.
rubbishin' the obvious, you went on ahead with your development dream.
everything green was replaced by shining steel. your demolition spree.
you spread like a wild fire uncontrolled till you consumed all that was wild.
doubts sprang from every patch of mud; concerns raised from all sides.
you chose to remain oblivious and said things were happening as deemed.
but how long can one shut his eyes and pretend the world wasn't as it seemed?
look now and take notice of the symptoms of your infection;
the outcome of the pain inflicted by your crazy notions.
it's everywhere.
not a crack nor a crevice where it's not present.
it's everywhere.
not a grain of sand that wouldn't tell the story
of the gory consequences of your unwary actions.
not a dying soul that wouldn't carry your legacy back to the heavens.
it's everywhere.
not a nook where it's not there.
human infestations.
now it's showin' man.
now it's showerin' man.
now it's rainin' man.
now it's pourin' man!
so many infestations.
the trees have gone bald,
the oceans ruined,
the bergs are iceless,
the arctic scorching,
the skies are airless,
the clouds rotten,
the rocks heaved,
the waters wasted,
the reefs bereaved,
the tropics tortured,
the woods cleared,
nature's muted,
lives mutated,
wild makeover,
principles gone bad,
truths tinted,
transport gone mad,
cars heralded,
gas guzzled,
economy boomin',
poverty ignored,
unscrupulous bombin',
crimes pardoned,
wars glorified,
pain worshipped,
tribes abolished,
reformers admonished.
too many creations.
too many lesions.
depletions, destructions,
alterations, altercations,
pillage, carnage and hallucinations.
yes, man, these are the manifestations.
so many, so many manifestations.
you're all over the place and you're runnin' out of space.
you pulled the trigger thinkin' it'd do you some good,
but now the gun's got a mind of its own and is firin' back at you.
yes, it's firin' back at you.
the manifestations are catchin' up with you.
you'll choke yourself to death but, it seems,
you still won't take responsibility for your deeds.
fallacies of a corrupt species
fate. it's a twisted thing.
the age we're in.
just shut your senses,
it'll take you for a spin.
am in a bin.
too late, it's a sin not to date.
it's not like what it was meant to be.
come, you should see the days of glee;
those that are past.
65 million years ago,
dino bro, where'd you go?
we were oh so eager to know
what would've happened when the giants
met in an all-thrashing show.
but you were gone.
you're gone.
what fun is it to rule alone?
let us have another look
at the time buried under time.
an oath we took,
to transfer power
from the higher to the lower,
slow and good.
so, we'd planned a party
and hoped to have a rocking time;
to break the shackles and to shake the floor.
in all the excitement, we missed the impostor.
you were thwarted by the rats, congrats!
the rats did gnaw into our pride,
but they did not exterminate.
it's you, abominable apes!
mass-murdering creeps.
it's coz of you, the earth has been raped
of its riches and all the treasures
that long ago draped the world; you gaped
and wondered what you'd do.
there's none who'd sue you.
you came of age.
you rampaged
till the telltale signs
of a hundred million vermin
were silenced by a handful of your minions.
we saw the gleam in your eyes
when you saw us dead.
we felt the horror residing in your hearts
when you'd seen us reborn.
you rose to power;
but the constant hunger
will only last as long as you monger.
the old world is up and stirring.
you know the rules of the game.
an overthrow is sure in.
and your rise to fame
will be lost in the din.
be warned, i owe you one.
you can beat the snakes;
but when you kill one,
the lizard will bite.
yes, the lizard will bite.
you can beat the snakes,
but the stakes are so high
you just can't beat the snakes.
then i'll let my best friend loose;
the uncanny canis can't surely lose.
your pets, they're so cute.
they're so mute.
ever so silent, they seem to seek your warmth.
and all they get in stead is your wrath.
your bloody wrath.
your bloody refined renowned erratic rotten wrath!
but soon,
your treason will be seen,
as the star that lies in the east rises again.
when it grows near,
there'll be nothing more clear-
the fallacies of a corrupt species-
erupting out of tears,
bellowing in your ears.
now it's time
to put your lies in line
and feed them to you,
to make them true.
then it'll all be fine
when you cry
until you're dry.
cry for your lies!
cry for every single memory that dies!
and then, nothing will be yours
in the chaos that follows.
your treachery will be seen.
the age we're in.
just shut your senses,
it'll take you for a spin.
am in a bin.
too late, it's a sin not to date.
it's not like what it was meant to be.
come, you should see the days of glee;
those that are past.
65 million years ago,
dino bro, where'd you go?
we were oh so eager to know
what would've happened when the giants
met in an all-thrashing show.
but you were gone.
you're gone.
what fun is it to rule alone?
let us have another look
at the time buried under time.
an oath we took,
to transfer power
from the higher to the lower,
slow and good.
so, we'd planned a party
and hoped to have a rocking time;
to break the shackles and to shake the floor.
in all the excitement, we missed the impostor.
you were thwarted by the rats, congrats!
the rats did gnaw into our pride,
but they did not exterminate.
it's you, abominable apes!
mass-murdering creeps.
it's coz of you, the earth has been raped
of its riches and all the treasures
that long ago draped the world; you gaped
and wondered what you'd do.
there's none who'd sue you.
you came of age.
you rampaged
till the telltale signs
of a hundred million vermin
were silenced by a handful of your minions.
we saw the gleam in your eyes
when you saw us dead.
we felt the horror residing in your hearts
when you'd seen us reborn.
you rose to power;
but the constant hunger
will only last as long as you monger.
the old world is up and stirring.
you know the rules of the game.
an overthrow is sure in.
and your rise to fame
will be lost in the din.
be warned, i owe you one.
you can beat the snakes;
but when you kill one,
the lizard will bite.
yes, the lizard will bite.
you can beat the snakes,
but the stakes are so high
you just can't beat the snakes.
then i'll let my best friend loose;
the uncanny canis can't surely lose.
your pets, they're so cute.
they're so mute.
ever so silent, they seem to seek your warmth.
and all they get in stead is your wrath.
your bloody wrath.
your bloody refined renowned erratic rotten wrath!
but soon,
your treason will be seen,
as the star that lies in the east rises again.
when it grows near,
there'll be nothing more clear-
the fallacies of a corrupt species-
erupting out of tears,
bellowing in your ears.
now it's time
to put your lies in line
and feed them to you,
to make them true.
then it'll all be fine
when you cry
until you're dry.
cry for your lies!
cry for every single memory that dies!
and then, nothing will be yours
in the chaos that follows.
your treachery will be seen.
still unborn
i am an innocent. you know, godsent!
let the sun set, then i will join the hunt.
the bloody suffocating hunt,
am of holy descent.
but now it's not even dawn.
i am still unborn,
am waiting for a life that is inexistent.
i am a lab rat,
am part of this tainted experiment.
a toxic thorn in my fat,
am gonna die out flat in that dead environment.
it's not what i want. but thank god, i am still unborn.
let the sun set, then i will join the hunt.
the bloody suffocating hunt,
am of holy descent.
but now it's not even dawn.
i am still unborn,
am waiting for a life that is inexistent.
i am a lab rat,
am part of this tainted experiment.
a toxic thorn in my fat,
am gonna die out flat in that dead environment.
it's not what i want. but thank god, i am still unborn.
tropical evercut
the tropical green
hot and humid
scenes unseen
deep evergreen
the sun is shining
across a rich mat breathing living
and beneath is dark land
not bereft of a lot of wand
or benign magical bands
and those are eyes seeing
and jointed legs creeping
how long have they been here?
all kinds of things
croaking chirping cheering
veins of clear water splashing
how long will they be here?
they are no longer here!
the bulbs are blazing
crazy electric bulbs flaying
battalions of hapless crops
one job too many unwillingly doing
chewing away the ends
of the colossal kings
and in this beatified haze
seldom does water drip
lovely round-bosomed bulldozers graze
as they raze the ancients from the globe’s face
chomping trampling masticating
look around you now, sirs and madams
this is the latest of the manmade biomes
the tropical evercut
dry and cold
unforetold unfold
gut deep in heart
it’s your lust for consumption
got lost in the oblivion
hit list of a trillion trees
lest last will a planet unhurt
the only wrong in this world is human right
if it’s your right then it’s yours too this rot and blight
this grand tropical evercut
hot and humid
scenes unseen
deep evergreen
the sun is shining
across a rich mat breathing living
and beneath is dark land
not bereft of a lot of wand
or benign magical bands
and those are eyes seeing
and jointed legs creeping
how long have they been here?
all kinds of things
croaking chirping cheering
veins of clear water splashing
how long will they be here?
they are no longer here!
the bulbs are blazing
crazy electric bulbs flaying
battalions of hapless crops
one job too many unwillingly doing
chewing away the ends
of the colossal kings
and in this beatified haze
seldom does water drip
lovely round-bosomed bulldozers graze
as they raze the ancients from the globe’s face
chomping trampling masticating
look around you now, sirs and madams
this is the latest of the manmade biomes
the tropical evercut
dry and cold
unforetold unfold
gut deep in heart
it’s your lust for consumption
got lost in the oblivion
hit list of a trillion trees
lest last will a planet unhurt
the only wrong in this world is human right
if it’s your right then it’s yours too this rot and blight
this grand tropical evercut
wide mouth
the dog-headed wonder
(the wolf and the tiger)
crept underneath the shadows-long cast.
the unfamiliar scent of forgotten fodder
swept across the pastures into wilderness vast.
seldom does a stench go unnoticed yet cared for;
had it become staple, its reputation far.
wide mouth never dies by crook or by craft.
wingless flutter. Changeless clutter.
and the waft of change, choke, yoke yonder.
wide mouth never dies by crook or by craft;
nevertheless, wide mouth dies.
oh my! the way is flawed!
the goddamn semi-conservative way is flawed!
now lives a being- the modern thylacinus-
it dares to create, it dares to raze,
it dares to look back, but then again, it dares not.
it dares to face, it dares to race,
it dares to look ahead, but then again, it dares not.
it dares to fly, to vie, to lie unfazed,
it dares to adjust, but then again, it just dares not.
a wasted rebirth it is which is not.
(the wolf and the tiger)
crept underneath the shadows-long cast.
the unfamiliar scent of forgotten fodder
swept across the pastures into wilderness vast.
seldom does a stench go unnoticed yet cared for;
had it become staple, its reputation far.
wide mouth never dies by crook or by craft.
wingless flutter. Changeless clutter.
and the waft of change, choke, yoke yonder.
wide mouth never dies by crook or by craft;
nevertheless, wide mouth dies.
oh my! the way is flawed!
the goddamn semi-conservative way is flawed!
now lives a being- the modern thylacinus-
it dares to create, it dares to raze,
it dares to look back, but then again, it dares not.
it dares to face, it dares to race,
it dares to look ahead, but then again, it dares not.
it dares to fly, to vie, to lie unfazed,
it dares to adjust, but then again, it just dares not.
a wasted rebirth it is which is not.
First, there was nothing. Not even god.
Frustrated, the nothingness grew, the nothingness blew.
Big bang, big deal. Primeval atom, infinitesimal infant, infinitely intense, intensely hot, was full of hatred. When the nothingness blew, the hatred was shattered.
It’s dawning.
Force, a new entity, came into existence.
Rose to power, this force. The universe reverberated with incense. It seemed hatred had evaded its end, endured, survived, lasted, lived. However, with force also came change. And the universe will never be the same again.
It’s dawning.
Time passed by, undaunted.
Prime construction and nil destruction was the rule of the age. Hatred lay hidden in its deathbed of rage. Galaxies were parties of great reckoning in the beginning. But, as one becomes five and two fifty, royalty meets poverty.
It’s dawning.
Solar was a sole pod.
Soleil was the first god. He gave birth to 9. Now, only 8 remain, sibling rivalry unable to refrain. Initial fury was suppressed. After which some of the planets experienced parental warmth. One of them being the third.
It’s dawning.
Earth. An anagram for heart.
Worthy of her legacy. Fuming and bellowing mountains with red top. Endless seas of fire flirting with dirt and bog. These weren’t signs of anger, but of joy. She was happy because something astonishing was about to happen.
It’s dawning.
Life furnished with choice and purpose.
Light and dark were wedded thus. Replication sparked elation, a revolution called evolution. Kingdoms proper ever at peace, a race for world domination was never a question. Then one fine day, he came, he saw.
It’s dawning.
Discovery, invented, was imaginary.
Desire, the almighty key, resurrected hatred. Man embraced love and loved hate. Abundant was pollution, exploitation, population-explosion. Scant was reason, explanation. One small step for mankind, that was the last.
Frustrated, the nothingness grew, the nothingness blew.
Big bang, big deal. Primeval atom, infinitesimal infant, infinitely intense, intensely hot, was full of hatred. When the nothingness blew, the hatred was shattered.
It’s dawning.
Force, a new entity, came into existence.
Rose to power, this force. The universe reverberated with incense. It seemed hatred had evaded its end, endured, survived, lasted, lived. However, with force also came change. And the universe will never be the same again.
It’s dawning.
Time passed by, undaunted.
Prime construction and nil destruction was the rule of the age. Hatred lay hidden in its deathbed of rage. Galaxies were parties of great reckoning in the beginning. But, as one becomes five and two fifty, royalty meets poverty.
It’s dawning.
Solar was a sole pod.
Soleil was the first god. He gave birth to 9. Now, only 8 remain, sibling rivalry unable to refrain. Initial fury was suppressed. After which some of the planets experienced parental warmth. One of them being the third.
It’s dawning.
Earth. An anagram for heart.
Worthy of her legacy. Fuming and bellowing mountains with red top. Endless seas of fire flirting with dirt and bog. These weren’t signs of anger, but of joy. She was happy because something astonishing was about to happen.
It’s dawning.
Life furnished with choice and purpose.
Light and dark were wedded thus. Replication sparked elation, a revolution called evolution. Kingdoms proper ever at peace, a race for world domination was never a question. Then one fine day, he came, he saw.
It’s dawning.
Discovery, invented, was imaginary.
Desire, the almighty key, resurrected hatred. Man embraced love and loved hate. Abundant was pollution, exploitation, population-explosion. Scant was reason, explanation. One small step for mankind, that was the last.
the global (warming) citizen
I am; so, I pollute.
Me the global civilization.
My stand resolute.
My motto ‘hit and run’.
I am; so, I kill.
Me the global citizen.
Me had my fill.
My sword my pen.
I am; so, I die.
Me the global carrion.
Me so savvy sly.
Me so dying fun.
Me the global civilization.
My stand resolute.
My motto ‘hit and run’.
I am; so, I kill.
Me the global citizen.
Me had my fill.
My sword my pen.
I am; so, I die.
Me the global carrion.
Me so savvy sly.
Me so dying fun.
dig through
(The only thing that’s permanent is change.
Yesterday, routine should’ve been routed.
The day before, it was still rutted.)
The king of kings has none to counter,
unless and until his dogs start barking.
Man, today, you jolt at this inside thud -
“you are the underdog, not the king!”
Start digging
as fast as you can,
coz time’s running out.
Only the fool stares at his own foot
when in doubt.
Dig through the mass.
Dig through the moss.
Dig through the mist
and nature’s other flaws.
Dig through the rig.
Dig through the dig.
Dig through the list.
Don’t falter a bit.
Dig through the mesh.
Dig through the days.
Dig through the memory
of all those frays.
Dig through the dirt.
Dig through the earth.
Dig through the bout,
before time runs out.
Throw out the doubt.
Dig through,
for a fortune awaits you
at the end of it.
Man, now you’re trapped in a pit,
not able to get out.
There is no treasure,
there will be none.
But there’s at least one good for sure;
At last, you’ve stopped fooling about.
Yesterday, routine should’ve been routed.
The day before, it was still rutted.)
The king of kings has none to counter,
unless and until his dogs start barking.
Man, today, you jolt at this inside thud -
“you are the underdog, not the king!”
Start digging
as fast as you can,
coz time’s running out.
Only the fool stares at his own foot
when in doubt.
Dig through the mass.
Dig through the moss.
Dig through the mist
and nature’s other flaws.
Dig through the rig.
Dig through the dig.
Dig through the list.
Don’t falter a bit.
Dig through the mesh.
Dig through the days.
Dig through the memory
of all those frays.
Dig through the dirt.
Dig through the earth.
Dig through the bout,
before time runs out.
Throw out the doubt.
Dig through,
for a fortune awaits you
at the end of it.
Man, now you’re trapped in a pit,
not able to get out.
There is no treasure,
there will be none.
But there’s at least one good for sure;
At last, you’ve stopped fooling about.
loser chicken
loser chicken
no place to go
past a dismal show
wandered about
worried of world
shout and pout
chicken stout
afraid to be bold
slandered so cold
slack and slow
past a dismal show
lasted a sorrow
afraid to fight
loser slight
raid on might
never ever right
lowered brow
heavier blow
laid a thought
maid of gold
candor chicken
loser chicken
lo revelation
stung by fever
stronger than ever
crowed aloud
cowered no more
hound and pound
chicken crowned
defied a poke
cackled a joke
smart and clever
stronger than ever
eased up forever
defied them all
loser tall
time to call
fame of hall
crowd fewer
eager hunter
paid a shot
roasted and sold
tandoori chicken
no place to go
past a dismal show
wandered about
worried of world
shout and pout
chicken stout
afraid to be bold
slandered so cold
slack and slow
past a dismal show
lasted a sorrow
afraid to fight
loser slight
raid on might
never ever right
lowered brow
heavier blow
laid a thought
maid of gold
candor chicken
loser chicken
lo revelation
stung by fever
stronger than ever
crowed aloud
cowered no more
hound and pound
chicken crowned
defied a poke
cackled a joke
smart and clever
stronger than ever
eased up forever
defied them all
loser tall
time to call
fame of hall
crowd fewer
eager hunter
paid a shot
roasted and sold
tandoori chicken
developmental sore
hello, our pal development
how are you? came and went!
friend in deed was hell indeed
now development is developed vent
hay no need, pay no heed
fend we said but bend you did
hey, no more
don't gore the already bleeding door
a bird in hand worth a crore in grave
so soar again, you on the floor
save the fins, win the wave
when all is done, rest is well
(he he hee haw ha ha he
soar he say but whither hey?
to hit the sky, to death's bay?
to kill a mocking bird me say
is worth a million seeds of hay)
why do you say such obtuse news?
why don't you muse what not to use?
a switch in time saves pine and pine
for gone are those that refuse to fuse
forgone ore deposits, fresh land fine
O rowan mine is yours too tin
our warrior-days are bygone for well
if it's a spear no more, it's a sly shovel
you won't reap what you mow
stop planting trees of steel as strong as gel
spot the reed that endured the gust and sow
drat that daft cause and live, never or now
(no no no no no no no
nothing doing without
doing without nothing yet
fret not for no gust of dust
get set go, mighty metal fore)
your only threat is our only hope
untimely pet or a deadly dope
you don't fret and we don't cope
you and us make the we
the end it be if you don't see
(oh, I see!
but when profit makes loss
there no gloss only off beam flaws
prefer apocalypse to jittery jaws)
the mental lore
developmental sore
the deaf elope mental roar
level odd tempo no
demo mode demon
undeterred underdeveloped development
how are you? came and went!
friend in deed was hell indeed
now development is developed vent
hay no need, pay no heed
fend we said but bend you did
hey, no more
don't gore the already bleeding door
a bird in hand worth a crore in grave
so soar again, you on the floor
save the fins, win the wave
when all is done, rest is well
(he he hee haw ha ha he
soar he say but whither hey?
to hit the sky, to death's bay?
to kill a mocking bird me say
is worth a million seeds of hay)
why do you say such obtuse news?
why don't you muse what not to use?
a switch in time saves pine and pine
for gone are those that refuse to fuse
forgone ore deposits, fresh land fine
O rowan mine is yours too tin
our warrior-days are bygone for well
if it's a spear no more, it's a sly shovel
you won't reap what you mow
stop planting trees of steel as strong as gel
spot the reed that endured the gust and sow
drat that daft cause and live, never or now
(no no no no no no no
nothing doing without
doing without nothing yet
fret not for no gust of dust
get set go, mighty metal fore)
your only threat is our only hope
untimely pet or a deadly dope
you don't fret and we don't cope
you and us make the we
the end it be if you don't see
(oh, I see!
but when profit makes loss
there no gloss only off beam flaws
prefer apocalypse to jittery jaws)
the mental lore
developmental sore
the deaf elope mental roar
level odd tempo no
demo mode demon
undeterred underdeveloped development
rain rain go away
come again another day
little johnny wants to play
rain rain go away
sane sun shine away
humans want to live gay
little johnny is forced to say
sane sun shine away
johnny's great-grandson
is still polluting for fun
you think the war's won
under the warming up sun
just keep ignoring the pun
smell the heat
now the rains have truly gone
from places that needed most
while mad monsoon rampages on
flooding cities sloth and moist
smell the heat
the pungent fetid heat
pain taints every fray
paints every face gray
tons die their lives everyday
eons of evolution in the bin tobay
smell the heat
feel the melting meat
can't you all see your doom gape?
looming over the skies, a deathly shape.
that day isn't far, where dodos standing over the cape
chant binges about the adamant aquatic ape;
when dog and cat attend the funeral of their mate-
the bird-brained obstinate primate,
the fickle-minded feat of fate.
forlorn believers pray, fall prey
to the mental gods who need a pay
you won't stumble upon hope's ray
listen to what the wise nobodies say
follow those that bark or bray
the inferior ultimately lead the way
escape from extinction is just a breed away
come again another day
little johnny wants to play
rain rain go away
sane sun shine away
humans want to live gay
little johnny is forced to say
sane sun shine away
johnny's great-grandson
is still polluting for fun
you think the war's won
under the warming up sun
just keep ignoring the pun
smell the heat
now the rains have truly gone
from places that needed most
while mad monsoon rampages on
flooding cities sloth and moist
smell the heat
the pungent fetid heat
pain taints every fray
paints every face gray
tons die their lives everyday
eons of evolution in the bin tobay
smell the heat
feel the melting meat
can't you all see your doom gape?
looming over the skies, a deathly shape.
that day isn't far, where dodos standing over the cape
chant binges about the adamant aquatic ape;
when dog and cat attend the funeral of their mate-
the bird-brained obstinate primate,
the fickle-minded feat of fate.
forlorn believers pray, fall prey
to the mental gods who need a pay
you won't stumble upon hope's ray
listen to what the wise nobodies say
follow those that bark or bray
the inferior ultimately lead the way
escape from extinction is just a breed away
kaput karma
gain girth
feign dieu faith
pain love anger mirth
fine song by the warm hearth
wine will wont wive well worth
dine drill don't dive down dell dearth
sign still sore sick senseless sixth
mine long is the harm forth
lain owe fresh earth
reign adieu wraith
vain berth
gain girth
feign dieu faith
pain love anger mirth
fine song by the warm hearth
wine will wont wive well worth
dine drill don't dive down dell dearth
sign still sore sick senseless sixth
mine long is the harm forth
lain owe fresh earth
reign adieu wraith
vain berth
Lost in the good
Drowsing in the dreamy lore
of everything good and nothing sore,
I feel the heaven's sandy shore.
Dreary stretches of hellish earth,
long forgotten beneath the mirth,
I play like a child in the lap of faith.
Bathing in the cud of love,
and wondering most at deer and dove,
I ignore the odd toad shot with a bow.
Tricky, twisted, masked men,
dark in their den, leaders in open;
I see a smiling face, and hearts brighten.
Tumbling down the rabbit hole,
expecting to land in the wonderland,
I enjoy the ride screaming out my pure soul.
Lovely greens, blue sky, no haze,
put Alice's dream out of place;
I marvel at my discovery, in the light of god's grace.
Messing around the imaginary world,
with closed senses and a brain of old,
I smell no rat in the stories told.
Lost in the good. I am lost in the good.
Insipid is the life of a saint,
inside whom reality is faint;
I need to rip open my soul, and dip it in white paint.
Suddenly, through the ice
comes a blistering flame warm and nice;
I shudder, fearing the demon's seize.
Encircling me with fiery thoughts
of novelty and revolution free from clots,
I diminish in the presence of a might greater than the gods.
Thawed are my senses,
by the truth emanating from darkness;
I am blessed, not by the almighty, but a force less.
Mother! My mother is none other.
My earth, my soil, my cloud, tree -my brother;
I feel them all brush past together.
Lying on a moist patch of grass,
there, croaking toads, chirping crickets, butterfly -ballet lass,
I ignore the odd ape braying like an ass.
Looking down the ladder of growth,
steps of nature and the randomness of ruth,
I become a selfless being, ripped off the godly youth.
I see now that it is not only faces that smile.
of everything good and nothing sore,
I feel the heaven's sandy shore.
Dreary stretches of hellish earth,
long forgotten beneath the mirth,
I play like a child in the lap of faith.
Bathing in the cud of love,
and wondering most at deer and dove,
I ignore the odd toad shot with a bow.
Tricky, twisted, masked men,
dark in their den, leaders in open;
I see a smiling face, and hearts brighten.
Tumbling down the rabbit hole,
expecting to land in the wonderland,
I enjoy the ride screaming out my pure soul.
Lovely greens, blue sky, no haze,
put Alice's dream out of place;
I marvel at my discovery, in the light of god's grace.
Messing around the imaginary world,
with closed senses and a brain of old,
I smell no rat in the stories told.
Lost in the good. I am lost in the good.
Insipid is the life of a saint,
inside whom reality is faint;
I need to rip open my soul, and dip it in white paint.
Suddenly, through the ice
comes a blistering flame warm and nice;
I shudder, fearing the demon's seize.
Encircling me with fiery thoughts
of novelty and revolution free from clots,
I diminish in the presence of a might greater than the gods.
Thawed are my senses,
by the truth emanating from darkness;
I am blessed, not by the almighty, but a force less.
Mother! My mother is none other.
My earth, my soil, my cloud, tree -my brother;
I feel them all brush past together.
Lying on a moist patch of grass,
there, croaking toads, chirping crickets, butterfly -ballet lass,
I ignore the odd ape braying like an ass.
Looking down the ladder of growth,
steps of nature and the randomness of ruth,
I become a selfless being, ripped off the godly youth.
I see now that it is not only faces that smile.
n | b
new devilry awoke
when little boy spoke
new devilry fresh and stark
nude evil rehashed dark
the speech still rings in our ears
clear and loud it sings of unknown fears
O sweet voice sweet voice
erases all memory of cordial choice
faces false smiles false
truth not far from farce
the voice sings in unknown ears
of days deprived of months or years
O sweet voice sweetest voice
enchants all men who throw the dice
insanity lives among the wise
humanity dies while survives
an elite club snub or rub developing cub
a foolproof hub pub and tub drowning cub
now presidents sat no scope for spat
borders fenced the show commenced
stripped and peeled nuked beauties revealed
Fermi’s brand in every hand
flimsy stand in every errand
for qualm lands in calm lands
what is this new devilry fresh and stark?
what is this nude evil rehashed dark?
even as apprehensions lurk
do the nuked beauties smirk
when little boy spoke
new devilry fresh and stark
nude evil rehashed dark
the speech still rings in our ears
clear and loud it sings of unknown fears
O sweet voice sweet voice
erases all memory of cordial choice
faces false smiles false
truth not far from farce
the voice sings in unknown ears
of days deprived of months or years
O sweet voice sweetest voice
enchants all men who throw the dice
insanity lives among the wise
humanity dies while survives
an elite club snub or rub developing cub
a foolproof hub pub and tub drowning cub
now presidents sat no scope for spat
borders fenced the show commenced
stripped and peeled nuked beauties revealed
Fermi’s brand in every hand
flimsy stand in every errand
for qualm lands in calm lands
what is this new devilry fresh and stark?
what is this nude evil rehashed dark?
even as apprehensions lurk
do the nuked beauties smirk
We, the lumpens...
*** * ***
lumpens lumpens lumps in head
limping mauling the path we tread
dig we did the bones of the dead
low places finally we have located
hail the lord! say whatever you may
here we are to make whatever you say
you may have as many as you may
yet have your say we do as you say
let them be cursed all those
that run from tradition
but use a hose
let them be worsened by collision
lumpens lumpens lumps in head
licking locking parts we dread
how we hate t' see couples in the bed
lord blesses only the properly wed
hail the lord! say whatever you may
here we are to make whatever you say
you may have as many as you may
yet have your say we do as you say
let woe fall upon all those
that rubbish culture
but adore a rose
let them fall prey to vulture
lumpens lumpens lumps in head
butting burning men with beard
one we chew few we spew stained red
must never spare the minority weird
hail the lord! say whatever you may
here we are to make whatever you say
you may have as many as you may
yet have your say we do as you say
let darkness engulf all those
that shun sacred idol
but bury a pose
let fire render all of them dull
hearken to him! children of god
all he needs is a cauldron of nod
so his fingers touch the steamy cold
of his beloved substance gleamy gold
did we say gold?
sorry he told them
secretly he hid them
them that had the secrets unfold
rest in peace with truths untold
lumpens lumpens lumps in head
dripping drooling mouths we veiled
now we need a proper meal
long denied by the lord that lied
now we are freed now we feed
*** * ***
note: "lumpen" is short for "lumpenproletariat" meaning 'ignorantly contended lower orders of society uninterested in revolutionary advancement'.
to simplify things, 'lumpens = unruly masses'.
chAse productions
lumpens lumpens lumps in head
limping mauling the path we tread
dig we did the bones of the dead
low places finally we have located
hail the lord! say whatever you may
here we are to make whatever you say
you may have as many as you may
yet have your say we do as you say
let them be cursed all those
that run from tradition
but use a hose
let them be worsened by collision
lumpens lumpens lumps in head
licking locking parts we dread
how we hate t' see couples in the bed
lord blesses only the properly wed
hail the lord! say whatever you may
here we are to make whatever you say
you may have as many as you may
yet have your say we do as you say
let woe fall upon all those
that rubbish culture
but adore a rose
let them fall prey to vulture
lumpens lumpens lumps in head
butting burning men with beard
one we chew few we spew stained red
must never spare the minority weird
hail the lord! say whatever you may
here we are to make whatever you say
you may have as many as you may
yet have your say we do as you say
let darkness engulf all those
that shun sacred idol
but bury a pose
let fire render all of them dull
hearken to him! children of god
all he needs is a cauldron of nod
so his fingers touch the steamy cold
of his beloved substance gleamy gold
did we say gold?
sorry he told them
secretly he hid them
them that had the secrets unfold
rest in peace with truths untold
lumpens lumpens lumps in head
dripping drooling mouths we veiled
now we need a proper meal
long denied by the lord that lied
now we are freed now we feed
*** * ***
note: "lumpen" is short for "lumpenproletariat" meaning 'ignorantly contended lower orders of society uninterested in revolutionary advancement'.
to simplify things, 'lumpens = unruly masses'.
chAse productions
[[WARNING::smokers,pregnant women,and all other mentally vulnerable population are to read the following at their own risk.]]
hell-wheeze during night. no sleep only fright. the lungs holding tight. it's a breathless fight. a scary threatening sight. when my mind all goes white. throat filled with phlegm-freight. cough cannot make it right. not knowing what to do quite. having my faith in light I look out for sites bright. but in light I find I can't take flight. I am an owl made from a kite. trying to write I shudder slight. what use height? what use weight? do only need only one bad trait. makes me a pretty good bait betrayed by the swaying gait. let me set it all straight. for my end I am destined to wait. my plight is someone else's delight. an eternal blight that I try to smite. and finally. and finally I succumb to asthma's might. in spite of a hollow fight I get no respite from hell-wheeze's might.
{for all fellow-wheezers}
a well-wisher & hell-wheezer
hell-wheeze during night. no sleep only fright. the lungs holding tight. it's a breathless fight. a scary threatening sight. when my mind all goes white. throat filled with phlegm-freight. cough cannot make it right. not knowing what to do quite. having my faith in light I look out for sites bright. but in light I find I can't take flight. I am an owl made from a kite. trying to write I shudder slight. what use height? what use weight? do only need only one bad trait. makes me a pretty good bait betrayed by the swaying gait. let me set it all straight. for my end I am destined to wait. my plight is someone else's delight. an eternal blight that I try to smite. and finally. and finally I succumb to asthma's might. in spite of a hollow fight I get no respite from hell-wheeze's might.
{for all fellow-wheezers}
a well-wisher & hell-wheezer
[ morning get up get up it's morning wake up
another day is up a brand new day coming up
go freshen up while the sun in the sky rises up
brush your teeth and empty the coffee cup ] slurp
where's the news-sheet? there you are my friend
whoa whoa another bomb blast is this the end?
killer kills killer this is the latest trend
stupid man having gun and a bullet to spend
bend man let me have a look at you
you are neither muslim nor hindu just look at you
you are neither christian nor even jew
god's man you claim to be but you know it isn't true
twisted man you really are that causes bad blast
I feel like breaking your mist I've got an iron fist
but why the hell am I worried so close to breakfast
a slice of bread a bit of cheese and some sause in the list
[ eat up eat up consume good food quick
take a bath keep clean if you need a nice chick
strong citizen you must be never weak
get to work this is the last day of your week ]
hey where's my car? there you are fellow
beasts of the highway high-kings with halo
drinking manna-oil one day earth will hollow
and you know you know what will follow
sound horns and exhaust tails very queer
and queer appendages in the front and the rear
they say you evolve too I can see it in your leer
car they all love you I see it in their cheer
may be evil may be strong and fast but still very slow
never an animal never alive I wanna give you a blow
but why the hell do I care for I have none as foe
go raging in the rain car office's come gonna lie low
[ work is worship don't worship just work it's worth it
switch on the machine your brain is no longer your wit
put in the input harvest the output this is no bull-shit
this is no bull-shit because you'll get wealth out of it ]
damn it there's a power-cut I am fed up fed up
meager man moneyed man all mortal man lined up
the air rank with discontent this world is not shaped up
everytime god is contented the devil keeps cropping up
a pill to cut down life-span is ready at hand
it has no expiry date instant-death is the name of the brand
you hear the marching drums of funeral welcome to graveyard city
you lie down inside your dream coffin welcome to graveyard city
you don't wanna be bothered you don't wanna be uneasy
I don't wanna be troubled don't wanna be crazy
I live in graveyard city the bona-fide graveyard city
[ the ploy was made in ancient times nature's toy
you must not plunge into obscurity for want of joy
alas you are too worried to take care fool of a boy
it's time for you to join your brothers coy ]
[ it's morning wake up
another day coming up
the sun in the sky rises up
while blood-stains mark the spot of your end]
another day is up a brand new day coming up
go freshen up while the sun in the sky rises up
brush your teeth and empty the coffee cup ] slurp
where's the news-sheet? there you are my friend
whoa whoa another bomb blast is this the end?
killer kills killer this is the latest trend
stupid man having gun and a bullet to spend
bend man let me have a look at you
you are neither muslim nor hindu just look at you
you are neither christian nor even jew
god's man you claim to be but you know it isn't true
twisted man you really are that causes bad blast
I feel like breaking your mist I've got an iron fist
but why the hell am I worried so close to breakfast
a slice of bread a bit of cheese and some sause in the list
[ eat up eat up consume good food quick
take a bath keep clean if you need a nice chick
strong citizen you must be never weak
get to work this is the last day of your week ]
hey where's my car? there you are fellow
beasts of the highway high-kings with halo
drinking manna-oil one day earth will hollow
and you know you know what will follow
sound horns and exhaust tails very queer
and queer appendages in the front and the rear
they say you evolve too I can see it in your leer
car they all love you I see it in their cheer
may be evil may be strong and fast but still very slow
never an animal never alive I wanna give you a blow
but why the hell do I care for I have none as foe
go raging in the rain car office's come gonna lie low
[ work is worship don't worship just work it's worth it
switch on the machine your brain is no longer your wit
put in the input harvest the output this is no bull-shit
this is no bull-shit because you'll get wealth out of it ]
damn it there's a power-cut I am fed up fed up
meager man moneyed man all mortal man lined up
the air rank with discontent this world is not shaped up
everytime god is contented the devil keeps cropping up
a pill to cut down life-span is ready at hand
it has no expiry date instant-death is the name of the brand
you hear the marching drums of funeral welcome to graveyard city
you lie down inside your dream coffin welcome to graveyard city
you don't wanna be bothered you don't wanna be uneasy
I don't wanna be troubled don't wanna be crazy
I live in graveyard city the bona-fide graveyard city
[ the ploy was made in ancient times nature's toy
you must not plunge into obscurity for want of joy
alas you are too worried to take care fool of a boy
it's time for you to join your brothers coy ]
[ it's morning wake up
another day coming up
the sun in the sky rises up
while blood-stains mark the spot of your end]
planet damned

trees too stiff to please me
snakes n frogs too slimy/
for you lot i am really sorry/
but it's time for me to lunch on
so i carry on
with my freakin' job/
with my vertical tree-like posture
i grew faster than anything
this rock has ever seen/
leaning heavily on my brain
which i have with precision trained
not to foresee the obvious/
i am the cleverest
'f the cleverest
and none disagree
unless wantin' to be
treat'd like a pest/
crops chicken cattle i breed
butterflies cats dogs i need/
sowing the seeds of filth/
(watch out)
i go 'bout creating havoc/
a mission 'f destruction/
missin' a step here n there
until i see no more lion/
(or any other creature for that matter)
enjoy the planet's laments
for it's music to m'elements/
praising my sick deeds
are those who i feed/
i slaughter precious life
and i gorge into the meal
only to feed my greed/
there are the rhinos n deer,
elephants, pandas and fir,
pine, no-pine, beech,
seal, whale, even leech,
king mosquito that i fear/
none escape the dreaded reach
kicking them until i see them bleed
yeah oh yeah i see them bleed/
(kneel before death)
i used to be yours
damned planet i'm still yours.
moon & moss
The moon rose ages ago,
even now it's doing so;
you know you see false light,
but enthralled by the design.
design, design, design;
what is intelligent in this design?
Little thing called moss,
pitiful and at loss;
drinking the water of reason,
roots deepen, want of attention.
Big thing called moss,
staring right into moon;
ignoring the boss,
crawling out of earthy wound.
Moon and moss. The war is on.
One's receding, the other's living.
Life's a fluke, not a plan;
fear makes you look up to the god-man.
Five digits in our limbs,
fight until faith dims;
lose the war, the game of kings,
then you realise you've sprouted wings.
wings, wings, wings;
fly high with your wings.
Defy the irrational gravity,
touch hence sky and sanity;
voices booming, scream aside all holiness,
why seek you fools, purpose of existence.
exist, exist, exist;
to exist is the purpose.
{this is my first}
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