
n | b

new devilry awoke
when little boy spoke
new devilry fresh and stark
nude evil rehashed dark

the speech still rings in our ears
clear and loud it sings of unknown fears
O sweet voice sweet voice
erases all memory of cordial choice
faces false smiles false
truth not far from farce

the voice sings in unknown ears
of days deprived of months or years
O sweet voice sweetest voice
enchants all men who throw the dice
insanity lives among the wise
humanity dies while survives

an elite club snub or rub developing cub
a foolproof hub pub and tub drowning cub

now presidents sat no scope for spat
borders fenced the show commenced
stripped and peeled nuked beauties revealed

Fermi’s brand in every hand
flimsy stand in every errand
for qualm lands in calm lands

what is this new devilry fresh and stark?
what is this nude evil rehashed dark?
even as apprehensions lurk
do the nuked beauties smirk

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