
dig through

(The only thing that’s permanent is change.
Yesterday, routine should’ve been routed.
The day before, it was still rutted.)
The king of kings has none to counter,
unless and until his dogs start barking.
Man, today, you jolt at this inside thud -
“you are the underdog, not the king!”

Start digging
as fast as you can,
coz time’s running out.
Only the fool stares at his own foot
when in doubt.

Dig through the mass.
Dig through the moss.
Dig through the mist
and nature’s other flaws.

Dig through the rig.
Dig through the dig.
Dig through the list.
Don’t falter a bit.

Dig through the mesh.
Dig through the days.
Dig through the memory
of all those frays.

Dig through the dirt.
Dig through the earth.
Dig through the bout,
before time runs out.

Throw out the doubt.

Dig through,
for a fortune awaits you
at the end of it.
Man, now you’re trapped in a pit,
not able to get out.
There is no treasure,
there will be none.
But there’s at least one good for sure;
At last, you’ve stopped fooling about.

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