
the sapiens full

Voilà, sapiens,
the full within.

Tailless wonder,
speaking its heart out.
Upright bloke
beneath a cocky brain.

Refined, renewed, none least without;
Pleasing the violent beast within.
The beast it smote
with a single stroke.
The beast then rose
and struck a pose.

Clear, clever, cleansed by speech;
Choking out lies, a license to preach.
The insane chirp
and the inane squeal.
Now just a burp
after every meal.

Straight, slight, a peculiar gait;
Striving constantly to gravitate.
How it dreamt to fly!
How it kept up the vow!
Now it rises up high,
now it stoops too low.

Rosy, raunchy, a beautiful mind,
nosing its way through the neighbour's hind.
A Gleaning beat,
so flowing kind.
A searing heat,
go blowing blind

Guile, vile, all smiles fellow;
Guiding it is a will so fallow.
Destined to amaze;
Bigheaded eccentricity.
It's only a rare case
of mistaken identity.

The only Homo left alive
is, no wonder, left to thrive.